Marleen Boschen


Boschen, M., & Mackinnon, S. (2024). Sonics of Rupture: A Methodology for Sounding Anthropogenic Earthquakes and Tuning into Ecological Trauma. GeoHumanities, 10(2), 390–406. 

Grześkiewicz, H., & Boschen, M. (2024). (Un)Caring Borders: More-Than-Human Solidarities in the Białowieża Forest.
Utopian and Dystopian Explorations of Pandemics and Ecological Breakdown, Routledge, 161–174.

Seeds (2022). Boschen, M., Drinkall, J. and Shin, S. (eds). Ignota books: London.

Agropoetics Reader (2019). Agudio, E., Boschen, M. & Sandoval, L. (eds). The Institute for Endotic Research & SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin.

Boschen, M & Pryor, C. (2019). Report of the Full Moon Soil Council Meeting of the Trophic Cascade, in Sakiya: Art, Science and Agriculture ‘Rewilding Pedagogy’, 2019.

Kiessling, R. with Boschen, M. and Pryor, C. (2020). Architectures of Seed Banking. In Paradoxa 31(2019-20) special issue ‘Climate Fictions’, pp. 329-338. 

Interview with Daniela Ortiz (2019) Unorganised Response Exhibition Reader, Auto Italia South East.

Green Fire: The uncomfortable pyropolitics of fire ecologies.’ CABAL Issue 3, June, 2019. 

After us who will visit the grapevines’ review of Jumana Manna’s Wild Relatives (2018)


After Progress, Online exhibition, the Sociological Review, 2022.

Unfix Festival, June 2021, performance and ecology festival. Online. Screening The great conservation, still as someone passes by.

New Makers Ensemble performances of The great conversation, still as someone passes by in Rotterdam, Amsterdam & Porto, September 2021.

The great conversation, still as someone passes by (2020) (performance), Manifesta13, Marseille. With Charles Pryor, Sarah Rodrigues and Lou-Atessa Marcellin.

Eight Years – a musical ice sculpture. Acoustic Ecologies, with Catherine Ireton, Jose Luis Berna Moya & Charles Pryor. Sussex University, January 2020.

The great conversation, still as someone passes by (2020) (radio broadcast), ResonanceFM. With Charles Pryor, Sarah Rodrigues and Lou-Atessa Marcellin.

Feral Kin, Auto Italia South East London (group exhibition) 2nd March 2017 – 9th April 2017.

Essentials exhibition in the Jupiter Woods garden, London. With Rebecca Kirkpatrick. As part of the Mycological Twist residency. January 2016.

Sunrise to Sunset, Kunstwerke Berlin, 30th April 2016. (performance)

On Coping, Ithuba, Johannesburg 2015.


Testing Grounds, Villa Romana, Florence, 2023

Soil is an Inscribed Body: On Sovereignty and Agropoetics, SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin 2019

Unorganised Response, Auto Italia South East, London, 2019

Feral Kin, Auto Italia South East, London, 2017

On Coping: Liverpool, The Royal Standard, Liverpool  2015

Golden Age Problems, Auto Italia South East, London, 2014

Opti-me*, Auto Italia South East, Londo, 2014